Gujarat Monsoon Forecast 2024: ‘આ વખતના ચોમાસાની શરૂઆત આંધી વંટોળ સાથે થશે’,

If there is a rainy environment somewhere in the state, somewhere is the effect of heatwav. When the weather expert Ambalal Patel will be able to sit with the tomorrow, however, in Gujarat has predicted. Following the rainforest in the state will start a new round of heat in Gujarat after the rainy envelope. Along with this, he has also predicted that the proportion of the striking of the stranger with rain during the monsoon.

Ambalal Patel: Ambalal Patel said that Central Gujarat is predicted to be hot for a week.  Mercury may touch 45 degrees in parts of central Gujarat.

The heat will increase from tomorrow, May 17.  The maximum temperature is likely to cross 45 degrees in parts of Central Gujarat during May 24, 25.  Along with this, there will be a possibility of 47 degrees in some areas.  Apart from this, there will be a possibility of warming the plains of the Ganges.  Chance of 48 degrees in this part.  Along with this, he said that heat will increase in Kutch and parts of Rajasthan are likely to reach 49 degrees Celsius.

Ambalal Patel said that for the weekend, middle Gujarat is predicted. Mercury can reach 45 degrees in parts of Central Gujarat. Kutch and North Saurashtra can also reach 41 degrees. The weather expert has also become a rainy environment again after 26th after heat round. The Rohini constellation will rain between 26 to 4 June. Meanwhile, there will be rain with heavy heat and storm cyclones. With this, he said that the seven June will rain again in June 14th with a whirlweet.

Weather expert Ambalal Patel forecasts, will change around 7 June and will be currents in the sea. The date is likely to sit between 7th to 14 June winds. In many parts of the state of June 18 to 25, monsoon will rain. This time the monsoon is likely to be increased in the early cyst. Are likely to be cycled with a guarantee and blurred. Ambalal Patel also said that July is likely to rain in August. Heat in the Heart in the Indian Ocean is likely to be more cyclones. In the end of May and early June, there will also be a cyclone movement in the Arabian sea. Arabic Sagar Bengal Gholtar will also see the movement after 16th. In May 16 to 24, the monsoon will sit on the Island of Andaman Nicobar and will see a heavy movement in the East Gulf.

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